Date of Publication : 14, Jan, 2022
Date Of Acceptance : 10 Jan, 2022
Author: Diyor Kholmamatov Haqberdievich
Area of research / Subject: Modern Methods of Developing Wholesale Trade in Agricultural Products
Deep structural changes in the economy of Uzbekistan are also taking place in agriculture. Agrological complexes are being built for the cultivation, processing of agricultural products and the formation of a wholesale market. Such agrologistic complexes ensure the modern development of wholesale trade in agricultural products. The article covers the development of wholesale trade in agricultural products. Some approaches to modern methods of organizing the wholesale of agricultural products have been absorbed before.
Keywords: wholesale, agrologistics, agropolis, wholesale-distribution centers, wholesale market, pull, food security,
Cite this article:
Author(s), Diyor Kholmamatov Haqberdievich,(2022).“Modern Methods of Developing Wholesale Trade in Agricultural Products”, Name of the Journal: Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research, (CJAR.EU), P, 8- 15. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 3, Article: 2, Month: January, Year: 2022. Retrieved from
Published by
ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : wholesale, agrologistics, agropolis, wholesale-distribution centers, wholesale market, pull, food security,
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:
Serial: 2 | Download | Page: 8-15 |