Date of Publication : 15, Jan, 2025
Profitability is one of the critical success factors for the continued existence of banks, and as such, banks are more eager to prudently allocate their resources profitably. Board of directors remains one of the mechanisms that banks use in achieving excellent financial outcomes as it assists in given a direction as to how firms should be governed. Among the very many components of board of directors that are crucial for enabling the attainment of board responsibilities is ‘board gender diversity. Arising from the critical role of board of directors on financial performance is the need for the investigation of board of gender diversity and profitability of 11 selected listed deposit money banks in Nigeria by obtaining data spanning from 2011 to 2020 using fixed effect regression analysis. The finding deposit that board gender diversity has no significant positive effect on profitability. The study therefore concludes that board gender diversity is not an important driver of profitability of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Arising from the finding, the study recommends that listed deposit money banks should include more female directors, and permit them to act and contributes to corporate decision making so that their impacts can better be felt on profitability.
Keywords: Board gender diversity, profitability, Net interest margin and fixed effect regression,
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Author(s), CHIMENKA, Ezeribe, Dr. REGIDOR III Poblete Dioso ADENIYI, Sarafadeen Diran, Dr. MURTADHO, Alao, (2025). “ Gender Diversity and Financial Success”, Name of the Journal: Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research, (CJAR.EU), P, 14- 24. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 6, Article: 2, Month: January, Year: 2025. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
6.1-2025-2-Gender-Diversity-and-Financial-SuccessKeywords :