Perception and Acceptability Towards Administration of Anthelmintic Drugs to School Pupils Among Traders in Olomi Market, Ibadan

Issue: 1, Volume: 6, Year: 2025

Perception and Acceptability Towards Administration of Anthelmintic Drugs to School Pupils Among Traders in Olomi Market, Ibadan

Date of Publication : 10, Jan, 2025

Date Of Acceptance : 5th January, 2025

Author: KADRI, Adenike Koseganlola Risikat (RN, PhD),

Co Author: NGADI Yvette-Ella Adanna (RN, BNSc), OLALEYE, Christiana Oluwatoyi (RN, MSc), AYANLEKE, Ismail Adebare (RN, MSc), JIMOH, Esther Ozichu (RN, MSc), BELLO, Salihu Sule (RN, BNSc),

Area of research / Subject: Perception and Acceptability Towards Administration of Anthelmintic Drugs to School Pupils Among Traders in Olomi Market, Ibadan

Helminthiasis being a global health burden and is attributed as one of the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) by medical and international community results to ill-health. The study assesed the perception and acceptability towards administration of anthelmintic drugs to school pupils among traders in Olomi market, Ibadan. Health Belief Model was used for this study and relevant literatures were reviewed. The theory that wa adopted for the study was Health belief Model. This study adopted cross-sectional research design, One hundred (100) traders in Olomi market were selected from the total population of traders in the market. Purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents for this study. Three research que stions were answered and one hypothesis was  tested. A self-developed and validated questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 7.8 was used to collect data for the study. Data generated was analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages, interpreted into charts and tables as well as inferential statistics of chi-square.Ethical consideration was ensured and ethical approval was sought. Majority 35(35%) respondents were between 30 years and 39 years, 72 were Chritians, 70 were yorubas, 25 had post secondary education, 49 respondents were married, 30(30%) of the respondents said they strongly agreed this implies that majority of the respondents are in support of deworming children.71 have heard helminthic drugs, 63 of the total respondents have receive health education or sensitization on anthelmintic drugs, 63(63%) of the respondents agreed that the programme is acceptable to them and positive perception about helmintic drugs. In conclusion, the respondents accepted the use of helminthic drugs  but negative perception towards helminthic drugs.for there is no parental conncept . Based on findings of the study, it is recommended that parents and caregivers should  be informed through any means to receive their blessings to collect the drugs for their children in other to prevent health problems as a result of helminthiasis.

Keywords: Perception, Acceptability, Anthelmintic Drugs, School Pupils, Traders,

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Author(s),  KADRI, Adenike Koseganlola Risikat (RN, PhD), NGADI Yvette-Ella Adanna (RN, BNSc), OLALEYE, Christiana Oluwatoyi  (RN, MSc), AYANLEKE, Ismail Adebare (RN, MSc), JIMOH, Esther Ozichu (RN, MSc), BELLO, Salihu Sule (RN, BNSc), (2025). Perception and Acceptability Towards Administration of Anthelmintic Drugs to School Pupils Among Traders in Olomi Market, Ibadan”, Name of the Journal:  Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research, (CJAR.EU), P, 1- 13.  DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 6, Article: 1, Month: January, Year: 2025. Retrieved from

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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)


Keywords : Perception, Acceptability, Anthelmintic Drugs, School Pupils, Traders,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 1 Download Page: 1-13


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