Education of the Mass as a Moral Armament against Civil Disobedience in the State

Issue: 2, Volume: 3, Year: 2022

Education of the Mass as a Moral Armament against Civil Disobedience in the State

Date of Publication : 28, Feb, 2022

Date Of Acceptance : 3 Feb, 2022

Author: KPA KOM Isidore

Area of research / Subject: Education of the Mass as a Moral Armament against Civil Disobedience in the State

The ideology and practice of civil disobedience in the society constitute a major impediment to growth or progress in the society. This study unveils the background and meaning of civil disobedience, the underpinning, precursors and perspective to the practice of civil disobedience in the society, How some citizens either for mistaken patriotism because of the atmosphere of conviviality that surrounds them, or simply economic, political and social desires which always urges them to manifest such poor attitude in the society. It is of primordial necessity to understand how and why such discrimination and the spirit of inequality manifest itself in the state due to poor laws, inadequate educational programmes, and bad governance in the state or society. In brief, it balances the perennial needs, to come out of this oblivion for a better future by putting in place compulsory moral education of the mass as a vaccine and pedagogic panacea to eliminate the spirit of civil disobedience.  More to those goods laws as a mitigation to promote social justice and equality in other to enhance cohesion. Better still good governance should be a syllabus inculcated to all authorities or those in public position. This way, citizens will have no reason to resist or disobey the laws of their fatherland.

Keywords: Civil Disobedience, State, Moral Education, Laws, Governance,

Cite this article:

Author(s), KPA KOM Isidore,(2022).Education of the Mass as a Moral Armament against Civil Disobedience in the State”, Name of the Journal:  Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research, (CJAR.EU), P, 35- 48.  DOI: , Issue: 2, Vol.: 3, Article: 4, Month: February, Year: 2022. Retrieved from

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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)


Keywords : Civil Disobedience, State, Moral Education, Laws, Governance,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 4 Download Page: 35-48


February 2022
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